CMA Engineers, Inc. has completed planning, permitting, design, and construction engineering on a variety of solar installations for several clients. CMA Engineers works with solar developers on potential solar sites to determine if fatal flaws are present and provides a thorough analysis of the proposed site to assist in determining project feasibility.
CMA Engineers then completes the final site design and obtains project approvals at the local, State, and Federal levels including:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Site Layout Including Grading, Stormwater Infrastructure, and Solar Panel Layout
- Local Planning and Zoning Board Approvals
- Solid Waste approvals (for landfill solar projects)
- NHDES Alteration of Terrain permitting
- NHDES Wetland and Shoreland Permitting
- Obtaining Coverage under EPA’s Construction General Permit
- Preparation of a Project-Specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- Construction Assistance