Samuel T. Fortier, P.E., has been selected by a jury of his peers from New Hampshire’s engineering societies as the 2023 New Hampshire Young Engineer of the Year. This distinguished award will be presented February 23rd at the annual Engineers’ Week banquet at the Grappone Center in Concord, NH. The New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE-NH) nominated Sam based on his record of professional accomplishments, service to his profession, strong community service and involvement, and unrelenting dedication to his family.
Sam is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire where he received his Bachelor of Science (2010) in Civil Engineering. He maintains professional licensure in New Hampshire. Sam’s professional experience spans over 12-years in the management, design and construction of transportation projects, focused on urban and rural roadway reconstruction, complete streets development, multi-use path design, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and traffic control.
At CMA Engineers, Sam’s roles include Project Manager and Senior Project Engineer on a wider variety of projects. He plays an active role in the firm related to project development, marketing, client management, construction oversight, and staff mentorship and advancement.
Sam is an active member of NSPE-NH, holding many positions on the board including president from 2018 – 2020 and spearheading the NH’s National Engineers Week Planning Committee. He is also active outside of the engineering community volunteering his time and skills to worthy causes like the Town of Amherst NH Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the nonprofit organization Friends of the Souhegan Valley Rail Trail. The mission of these two organizations is to expand safety and mobility for residents in the region through the expansion of alternative transportation infrastructure.
Sam resides in Amherst, NH with his wife Beccy and their two young daughters, Ariella and Autumn. He is the true definition of a family man, focusing his free time going on adventures and creating memories with his girls. Sam is also an avid runner and hiker, and a home renovation enthusiast.